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Fucking Salzburg

February 13, 2013 @ 1:38 pm

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although Fucking is in Ober-Oesterreich//Upper-Austria ,

but it’s quite near [City]Salzburg,Austria ,

[ only 33km(21mi) north o’ }City{Salzburg , accordin’ wikipedia ]

so u better go fucking//Fucking 1st b-4 u go [City]Salzburg !,)



fucking-google-map.jpg (300×346)



German//English :: Lage//location der//of-the Stadt//city Salzburg in Land-Salzburg

Lage des Bezirks Salzburg im Land Salzburg (anklickbare Karte)


German//English :: Karte//Map – Land-Salzburg in Österreich//Austria

Salzburg in Austria.svg


google maps :: Fucking,Austria :: 

5121, Tarsdorf, Braunau am Inn, Innviertel, OÖ , Austria


‘the OO//OÖ , stands4 :: Ober-Österreich//Upper-Austria ,

i.e.:: the Austria‘s state … that ‘s[has] “Fucking,Austria””


Country  Austria

2012041916521667590.png (250×139)

Located i//in Austria 2.5m[[[4km]]] from German border.
Coordinates: 48°04′02″N 12°51′49″E


click me 4/for etymologies & more about Ober-Österreich/Upper-Austria


[City]Salzburg , the 2nd/3rd most known Austria’s destination , …

[[[ an other 2nd/3rd most known Austrian spot , is Fucking of course !,))

[[[ what_else ?,)))

its name would b frequently amusing//amusingly confusing as –
– Salzberg , Saltburg , Saltberg , etc !,)
[[[ German “Salz” = English *Salt* ]]]


thanks a tank[lot] , FuckingAustria !,)


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