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Fucking Good Chinese Name [[[_V_Suggest_1st_]]]

February 13, 2013 @ 4:52 pm

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let’s teach u 2 Chinese character , v have a way to remember it 4 ever ::

t’ German pronounciation//pronunciation(_bad_English_) o’ ‘Fucking

[[[ˈfʊkɪŋ], rhyming w/ English *fooking* &`booking[2]]] ,

is 9x.xxx % similar to that o’ following 2 Chinese characters

pronounce’d in Cantonnese//Cantonese ::

bcH6wmSJ4H_lF_gVsNJ1Bg.jpg (200×150)


^the Chinese name is a cars-repair in TaiWan



^the red..stands 4 :: blessing , fortune , fortunate , etc , bit.ly/UeQHLL

^the blue stands 4 :: jack up , engine , etc , bit.ly/12yKDNp , …

^thence ,

^the meanings are good & appropriate 4//for Fucking !,)

^thence , please forward my suggest to ^the Fucking authorrities ::

^the above Chinese name can b Fucking Chinese name !,)


to the contrary , the Mandarin/or/Cantonnese pronounciation

o’ the current Chinese name o’ Fucking , as shown below ,

is just too poorly similar to t’ pronounciation o’ the word `Fucking“,

whether it’s in German / English / Dutch / etc ↘↘↘


^the current Fucking google map  ,


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myname@AdoptChildrenNow.com[for_example] to call to action !!
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