what wikipedias,etc do not tell u about Fucking,Austria

show that u r stylish'ly diffrnt // d'fiant // daring darling !! ===>>> reg yourName@FuckingAustria.com to surprise your friends,etc , to drive them nuts o'r make them laugh !!,) ………… + "call_forward"!!

All Publickly//Publicly Fucking

February 6, 2013 @ 2:19 pm
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when – the English_speaking journalists ‘s referring Fucking,Austria ,

then – they seem to always blur ^the name , … for example ::

“F***ing signs now theft-proof”. Ananova. Archived from the original on 2005-09-30. http://web.archive.org/web/20050930221340/http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_1509431.html. Retrieved 2006-12-15. “The Austrian town of F***ing has erected theft-proof road signs embedded in concrete blocks. Officials acted because they were fed up with English-speaking tourists stealing them as souvenirs.”


… what a hypocrite[_as_well_as_coward_] ^is she//he//it//1//one//e//they//thon//ve//xe//yo//zie//ze//sie//hy//co !!!

… dont b such suck//sucker(_b_zucker(zuckerberg)_instead_!,))

… reasons in followin’ ::↘↘↘


indeed & indeep , the word “Fucking”” ^is all

public &&& official &&& legal &&& governmental &&& formal @ least @ govts o’ Austria !!


proof’s example 1 ::

[[[ it’s search 4//for :: “Fucking” @ site:gv.at ]]]

[[[ gv.AT = the central government web o’ AusTria ]]]

proof’s example 1.1.1. ::

Landeskorrespondenz Nr. 124 vom 2. Juni 2009


2. Juni 2009 Euro aufgewendet, zeigte Landeshauptmann-Stellvertreter Franz Hiesl beim
Spatenstich für den Güterweg Fucking und der Eröffnung des


proof’s example 2 ::


[[[ it’s search 4//for :: “Fucking” @ site:land-oberoesterreich.gv.at ]]]

[[[ Oberoesterreich//Ober-österreich = Upper Austria ]]]

[[[ Upper Austria contains t'(the) hamlet Fucking,Austria ]]]


proof’s example 3 ::


[[[ it’s search 4//for :: “Fucking” site:tarsdorf.at ]]]

[[[_Tarsdorf , the Austria’s village , contains t’ hamlet “Fucking”” ]]]


&, ex-actly//exActly b/c –

“Fucking”” the word , ^is ad-opt’d//adOpted by all Austria’s govts all_officially ,

thus – it should also b ad-opt’d internationnally all_officially !!,)


ad :: sign up

myname@AdoptChildrenNow.com[for_example] to call to action!!!
your convenientest tool ! freeeeeeeee! + ***call_forwarding*** !


update – 13th february 2013 , the day just b4 ^the valentine’s day

[ 2day is also the 4th day o’ ‘the Chinese lunar new year o’ snake//serpent  ]

update’s title – Fucking ^is not bad

i’v just selective//selectivly//selectively stumble’d up on it ↘↘↘


for visittors from China,etc , who cant read blogspot,etc & youtube,etc @ all { ::

[ Fucking – Bitte//Please Nicht//Not So//So Schnell//Fast ]

[ Austria , where “fucking” is not a bad word ]

AustriaFucking.jpg (400×379)

… …

>>> [ Austria , where “fucking” is not a bad word ]

o come o’//on !  fucking ^is not bad at all !!!

every 1 ^does come from fucking , incl Jesus , Jesus[exclam.] !,)


update – 13th february 2013 , the day just b4 ^the valentine’s day

update’s title – Fucking ^is not bad

i’v just selective//selectivly//selectively stumble’d up on it ↘↘↘


Untitled-1.jpg (500×500)


update – 13th february 2013 , the day just b4 ^the valentine’s day


fucking_in_austria_by_suigetsuiiscute-d3j9cnd.jpg (250×200)


ad :: sign up

myname@AdoptDOGsNow.com[for_example] to call to action!!!

freeeeeeeee! + ***call_forwarding*** ! your convenientest tool ! 


Open bundled references in tabs:

Fucking Austria February 15th, 2013 @ 1:44 pm

> when – the English_speaking journalists ‘s referring Fucking,Austria ,
> then – they seem to always blur ^the name

o come on ! oNo[o_!_n’o_!] ! wake up !!

Austria is a Catholic country , thus , they r traditionnal & conservative

yet , they ^do not bother about “Fucking” !,) … so , y(why) should u ???

thank u , best , Fucking
ad :: sign up
myname@AdoptCATsNow.com[for_example] to call to action!!!
freeeeeeeee! + ***call_forwarding*** ! your convenientest tool !

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