what wikipedias,etc do not tell u about Fucking,Austria

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Fucking Banned !!! Fucking Hucking !!! [[[_V_Discover’d_1st_]]]

February 12, 2013 @ 4:14 pm

ad :: sign up myname@ToYourSuccesses.com to win ♥’s $ucce$$fully!!

freeeeeeeee ! 4-ever ! + ***call_forward*** !! ToYourSuccesses


t’//the current Fucking google map  


there ^is a problem ::

in current Fucking maps , there are severral street “Hucking””,…but…

in old[_just_about_1.x_year_ago_] Fucking maps , as shown below ,

all ^the current

“Hucking”” streets ^were  originnally

“Fucking”” indeep[indeed] !!! i.e.:: ^the name changed , w/o notices !!

what a pity !!! originnally so funny !

that ^is


real}adj{ fucking<_notice_^the_small_f_> !!,)


‘some old[_just_about_1.x_year_ago_] Fucking google maps ,

as u can c/see , all ^the streets/roads ^did orginnally b called “Fucking””



Fucking-Austria.JPG (448×301)


fucking-austria.jpg (641×423)


fucking-austria.jpg (896×560)


i guesstimate ::

^the wikipedia_called “ False rumours of Fucking name change “”,…

^the name-change ^was indeed not false indeep ,

^the name-change ^would b about changing name o’ ^the streets

from“Fucking”” to “Hucking”” quietly 


to us , it ^ is a//an alternative[quiet] kind

o’ fucking banning , banning Fucking!!,)


ad :: sign up
myname@AdoptChildrenNow.com[for_example] to call to action !!
freeeeeeeee! + ***call_forwarding*** ! your convenientest tool !


update – 14th february 2013 , the valentine’s day

[ 2day is also 5th day o’ ‘the current Chinese lunar new year o’ snake//serpent  ]


‘hucking’ meaning ::



American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition

  1. n. Huckaback [ towelling consistin’ o’ coarse absorbent fabric ]

Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia

  1. To higgle in trading.
  2. n. A dialectal form of hook.
  3. n. A dialectal corruption of husk.
  4. n. A hard blow or knock.
  5. n. In beef, the part between the shin and the round.
  6. n. The hip.
  7. n. Same as huke.
  8. A commercial contraction of huckaback: as, huck towels or toweling.
  9. n. Same as hucho, 1.


  1. v. Ultimate Frisbee To throw a long way
  2. v. Mountain Biking To gain extra height from a jump by compressing the springs just before the take-off
  3. v. Mountain Biking To make a maneuver in a clumsy way.
  4. v. Whitewater Kayaking To paddle off of a waterfall or to boof a big drop.
  5. v. dated To haggle in trading.
  6. v. Snowboarding To throw one’s self off a large jump or drop
  7. n. Ultimate Frisbee Long throw, generally at least half a field or more.

GNU Webster’s 1913

  1. v. obsolete To higgle in trading.

WordNet 3.0

  1. n. toweling consisting of coarse absorbent cotton or linen fabric

‘some things more @ http://www.wordnik.com/words/huck


ad :: sign up
myname@AdoptDOGsNow.com[for_example] to call to action !!
freeeeeeeee! + ***call_forwarding*** ! your convenientest tool !


Open bundled references in tabs:

Fucking Austria February 15th, 2013 @ 1:36 pm

more definitions 4//for “hucking”

more definitions 4//for “huck”


thank u , Fucking !,)

Fucking Austria March 11th, 2013 @ 1:48 pm

testing !! following comments r just testing systems
more definitions 4//for “huck”

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