what wikipedias,etc do not tell u about Fucking,Austria

show that u r stylish'ly diffrnt // d'fiant // daring darling !! ===>>> reg yourName@FuckingAustria.com to surprise your friends,etc , to drive them nuts o'r make them laugh !!,) ………… + "call_forward"!!

Fucking Fucker

February 5, 2013 @ 6:46 pm

ad :: sign up myname@ToYourSuccesses.com to win ♥♥’s $ucce$$fully !

freeeeeeeee ! 4-ever ! ToYourSuccesses


by Fucking,Austria this fucking address ,

it reminded me immediatly//immediately o’ `Fücker” !,)


`Fücker” is indeed indeep a }real{ surname ,&, esp @ Germany,etc ,

there ^are many a biz running by a `Fücker” surname’d person/family,…

i can confirm that , bc – i have done ^the due-diligences via google ,

esp through their impressum[_a_legal_document_-_the_imprint_] ,

e.g.:: http://www.droege-fuecker.de/Impressum.html

>>> Ihre[your] Zahnärzte(dentists) in Koblenz:

>>> Dr. Susanne Dröge & Dr. Susanne Fücker

German – English , …  Herzlich – Heartly , … Willkommen – Welcome

example 2 :: via http://boingboing.net/2007/01/17/a-town-called-fuckin.html

in Germany – Fücker Reisen[travel] GbR:  www.fuecker-reisen.de

141201342_4993a24c2b.jpg (425×351)

f y i ::

“ue”” is all_officially used to stand4 the alphabet

“ü” , when u do not b able to type that out


Umlaut vowels (ä, ö, ü) are commonly transcribed with ae, oe, and ue

if the umlauts are not available on the keyboard or other medium used.


f y i :: up2now , …

w/ any umlaut’d domain name [[[ for example – Fücker-Reisen.de ]]] ,

u do still not b able to send or receive emails via it , … so ,

Fücker Reisen r forced to ad-opt(adOpt) Fuecker-Reisen.de as their dn ,etc,etc,etc


thanks a tank[lot] , FuckingAustria !,)

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made in USA, please !! u encourage it = t’ bestest way to can fiscal cliffs

support USA efficientestly !!
^the easiest tools ===>>> yourname@madeinUSAplease.com /
….. i.e.:: t’ alt kind o’ ***t}tshirts{*** fashion !,) ….. + “call_forwardable”

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